Healing happens in many different ways. This woman had been bleeding for twelve years. She was probably a social outcast, unemployed and unable to have children. Her pain was very physical, the blood a reminder of her hurt and pain. She had spent all her money trying to find a doctor who could help her, but no relief came. It seemed the world had given up on her.
Sometimes we're willing to trying anything when we feel desperate. She had heard about Jesus and was willing to take a risk in approaching him. The woman's hemorrhage made her untouchable, but she ran into the crowd to connect with Jesus, hoping that his power and compassion could make her well.
She ran into the crowd on faith. She was out of money and connections, so bold desperation was her last hope. Her healing was swift and physical. Sometimes healing is gradual and emotional or quiet and relational. Grief and pain can separate us from God and the people we love, but it is never too late to reach out for someone's touch and compassion. Surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you can help you grieve in healthy ways. The healing touch of Jesus can come from prayer or reading stories of healing in the bible.
Jesus knows your pain - he came to earth to share our emotions and experiences more fully. May this woman remind you that you are not alone and that healing and hope are a part of your future.