Monday, November 23, 2009
Slideshow for Candlelighting
This year our Annual Candle lighting will be held Sunday December 13, 2009 @ 630 pm. It will take place at Ramada 3 (the first ramada directly to your right when entering the park off of fry blvd.) in Veterans Memorial Park. Brian from our group has agreed to put together a slideshow for the ceremony. Please submit a picture that you would like included to and please pass on. This is open to everyone, no matter if they delivered here at SVRHC or not.
Thank you! Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday Decemeber 13.
Thank you! Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday Decemeber 13.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
2009 Holiday Packet
As the holidays are fast approaching the CARE program has come up with a packet to let you know that we are thinking of you and know that holidays can be especially hard while grieving. Please keep a lookout in the mall for your packet! Our hope is that this packet will help make this holiday season a little more bearable and less fatiguing for you and your family.
Enclosed in the holiday packet are a list of suggestions, a holiday checklist, and a december 2009 calendar with daily suggestions and activities.
In the month of December we have our support group on Dec. 1st at 1840 Paseo San Luis and on Sunday December 13 we will host a worldwide candle lighting vigil. So please check back for details.
Our thoughts are with you and your family,
CARE Staff
Enclosed in the holiday packet are a list of suggestions, a holiday checklist, and a december 2009 calendar with daily suggestions and activities.
In the month of December we have our support group on Dec. 1st at 1840 Paseo San Luis and on Sunday December 13 we will host a worldwide candle lighting vigil. So please check back for details.
Our thoughts are with you and your family,
CARE Staff
Monday, November 16, 2009
A huge THANK YOU shout out to CARE WEAR volunteer (www.carewear) for her donation of kimono's and gowns to our program. CAREWEAR is a nationwide group of volunteers who provide handmade baby items to hospitals. If you would like more information please visit their website.
The donation was greatly appreciated!
For more information on making a donation or contribution to the CARE program please call 417-4557 or Eva Dickerson with the SVRHC foundation at 417-4991.
The donation was greatly appreciated!
For more information on making a donation or contribution to the CARE program please call 417-4557 or Eva Dickerson with the SVRHC foundation at 417-4991.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Support Group Nov.3 (6:30-8pm)
Join us this and every 1st Tuesday of the month for our Support group.
WHO: anyone who has been affected by a lss of an infant or newborn whether through early pregnancy loss, miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal loss
WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of every month
Where: 1840 Paseo San Luis SVRHC Outreach Center
TIME: 630-8pm
CONTACT: Rebecca 520-417-4557
This month we will discuss ideas and helpful strategies of making it through the holiday season.
WHO: anyone who has been affected by a lss of an infant or newborn whether through early pregnancy loss, miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal loss
WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of every month
Where: 1840 Paseo San Luis SVRHC Outreach Center
TIME: 630-8pm
CONTACT: Rebecca 520-417-4557
This month we will discuss ideas and helpful strategies of making it through the holiday season.
- December Calendar
- Holiday Checklist
- List of ideas for remembering our loved ones
Remember there is no right or wrong way. Everyone grieves differently. Honor yourself and your grieving.
See you Tuesday!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thank you
The CARE program would like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting SVRHC C.A.R.E 1st Annual Walk to Remember. It was a huge success with an offical head count of 89 attendees. We look forward to growing this event for next year. Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
This is the article from SV herald
This is the article from SV herald
Monday, October 19, 2009
1st Annual Walk to Remember
Sierra Vista Regional Health Center
CARE Program
1st Annual Walk to Remember
Honoring Our Precious Babies
Sunday, October 25th
Veterans’ Memorial Park
Ramada 2
For more information about the SVRHC
CARE Program, please call 417-4557.
"We walk for the steps
they will never take"
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
October 15 Video
I wanted to share this with all of you. Remember this Thursday October 15 is
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.
Remembering Our BabiesOctober 15th Video Presentation
October 13, 2009
The October 15th Video Presentation made by Audra Leighton is now complete. Because we had so many angels to pay tribute to, the video had to be cut into 6 parts for YouTube.
You may order a full copy of the DVD from Audra Leighton. The information is below.
Part 1
Thanks to all the angel parents Video made by www.myangelicmemorials.comFor ordering information please email Audra @
DVD copies are $10/video(this includes shipping)DVD's will be the whole video (not split into sections)Sorry I had to split it. YouTube only allows 10mins at a time.Thanks so much for allowing me to do this!!!!God BlessAudra
For more information on October 15th please visit:
DVD copies are $10/video(this includes shipping)DVD's will be the whole video (not split into sections)Sorry I had to split it. YouTube only allows 10mins at a time.Thanks so much for allowing me to do this!!!!God BlessAudra
For more information on October 15th please visit:
Monday, October 5, 2009
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

In October 1988, President Ronald Reagan Proclaimed October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. "When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, their isn't a word to describe them. This month recognizes the loss so many parents experience across the United States and around the world. It is also meant to inform and provide resources for parents who have lost children due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, stillbirths, birth defects, SIDS, and other causes."Robyn Bear, Founder, Lisa Brown, Co-Founder, and Tammy Novak, Co-Founder of envisioned a day when all grieving parents could come together and be surrounded by love and support from their friends and families, a day where the community could better understand their pain and learn how to reach out to those grieving. This would be a day to reflect on the loss yet embrace the love. While our babies’ lives were so brief, they were also very meaningful. Yet, their was not a time to talk about them. Our society seemed to forget or perhaps, simply didn't know how to reach out. Since October had been proclaimed "Awareness Month", she chose a day, in the middle of the month to become, "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day". We are asking everyone in all times zones, worldwide, to join us in a candle lighting ceremony at 7pm on October 15th. For more information, please contact Robyn Bear.
( Taken from
Please keep checking back this month for ideas to help create awareness....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Announcement from National Center for Child Death Review
Announcement from National Center for Child Death Review
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ-6) today introduced a bill to help reduce the number of unexpected infant deaths in America by calling for new research and education on stillbirths and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID). Every year, there are more than 25,000 stillbirths and more than 4,600 sudden unexpected infant deaths in the United States.
"The loss of a child is devastating, and no parent should have to live without knowing why their child has died. We need to learn more about stillbirths and sudden infant deaths so we can not only give parents peace of mind after a tragedy, but hopefully prevent some of these deaths in the future," Sen. Lautenberg said. "Our bill would improve data collection and education so we can better understand the cause of these deaths and help parents get the information and answers they need to prevent them."
"As a father of three children, I understand the anxiety that parents go through when having a child. We do everything possible to keep our children safe and hope they are healthy," Pallone said. "But for thousands of families every year, sudden infant death syndrome and stillbirths mean the loss of their child with no explanation. Senator Lautenberg and I introduced this bill because no parent should have to endure the tragedy of losing a child with no answers and no help. This bill will fund investigations to finally provide some answers by creating a national registry to help researchers understand the scope and impact of these tragedies and raising awareness through education campaigns that will help parents decrease risk factors that can contribute to SUID and stillbirths every year."
There is no known cause for as many as half of all stillbirths in the United States, leaving many parents without answers to the reasons for these deaths. Lautenberg’s and Pallone’s bill, the Stillbirth and SUID Prevention, Education, and Awareness Act, would improve the collection of critical data to determine the causes of stillbirth, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC), increase education and awareness about how to prevent these tragedies in the future and expand support services for families who have experienced a stillbirth or SUID loss. Specifically it would:
• Expand current data collection activities to additional states to identify the causes of stillbirth and ways to prevent it in the future.
• Create a national public awareness and education campaign to educate parents and caregivers about known risk factors for sudden unexpected death in infancy and childhood.
• Expand support services, such as grief counseling, for families who have experienced stillbirth or SUID.
• Establish a national database to track SUID deaths and identify risk factors to prevent them in the future.
• Expand successful child death review programs to track and analyze the circumstances surrounding infant’s and children’s deaths in their community.
The bill has been endorsed by CJ Foundation for SIDS and the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program (based in New Jersey), Cribs for Kids, Northwest Infant Survival Alliance (NISA), Home Safety Council, Safe Kids USA, and First Candle, all nonprofits working to stop infant mortality, as well as the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME), International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners (IAC&ME) and the National Sheriffs’ Association.
Theresa M. Covington,
MPH Executive Director National Center for Child Death Review
1115 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington,
DC 20005
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ-6) today introduced a bill to help reduce the number of unexpected infant deaths in America by calling for new research and education on stillbirths and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID). Every year, there are more than 25,000 stillbirths and more than 4,600 sudden unexpected infant deaths in the United States.
"The loss of a child is devastating, and no parent should have to live without knowing why their child has died. We need to learn more about stillbirths and sudden infant deaths so we can not only give parents peace of mind after a tragedy, but hopefully prevent some of these deaths in the future," Sen. Lautenberg said. "Our bill would improve data collection and education so we can better understand the cause of these deaths and help parents get the information and answers they need to prevent them."
"As a father of three children, I understand the anxiety that parents go through when having a child. We do everything possible to keep our children safe and hope they are healthy," Pallone said. "But for thousands of families every year, sudden infant death syndrome and stillbirths mean the loss of their child with no explanation. Senator Lautenberg and I introduced this bill because no parent should have to endure the tragedy of losing a child with no answers and no help. This bill will fund investigations to finally provide some answers by creating a national registry to help researchers understand the scope and impact of these tragedies and raising awareness through education campaigns that will help parents decrease risk factors that can contribute to SUID and stillbirths every year."
There is no known cause for as many as half of all stillbirths in the United States, leaving many parents without answers to the reasons for these deaths. Lautenberg’s and Pallone’s bill, the Stillbirth and SUID Prevention, Education, and Awareness Act, would improve the collection of critical data to determine the causes of stillbirth, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC), increase education and awareness about how to prevent these tragedies in the future and expand support services for families who have experienced a stillbirth or SUID loss. Specifically it would:
• Expand current data collection activities to additional states to identify the causes of stillbirth and ways to prevent it in the future.
• Create a national public awareness and education campaign to educate parents and caregivers about known risk factors for sudden unexpected death in infancy and childhood.
• Expand support services, such as grief counseling, for families who have experienced stillbirth or SUID.
• Establish a national database to track SUID deaths and identify risk factors to prevent them in the future.
• Expand successful child death review programs to track and analyze the circumstances surrounding infant’s and children’s deaths in their community.
The bill has been endorsed by CJ Foundation for SIDS and the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program (based in New Jersey), Cribs for Kids, Northwest Infant Survival Alliance (NISA), Home Safety Council, Safe Kids USA, and First Candle, all nonprofits working to stop infant mortality, as well as the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME), International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners (IAC&ME) and the National Sheriffs’ Association.
Theresa M. Covington,
MPH Executive Director National Center for Child Death Review
1115 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington,
DC 20005
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I AM.........
After the loss of your baby. You may have to explain and help your other children mourn the loss as well. Children are like adults they all grieve in their own way and at their own pace. Children often have a hard time voicing how they feel. They may need a lot of guidance and support from you to help them cope. The most important thing to do is keep the communication open by talking often with your children. Talk to them in a group as well as on an individual basis. Encourage them to ask questions. Watch how your child plays and interacts with others to help give you clues on how they are coping or feeling that day. Anger is a common behavior when dealing with children and grief. Let your child know you are there and here to help them. Touch is extremely important and effective so don’t be afraid to hold and physically comfort your child—this may help you as well. If you are still concerned and feel your child needs more support than you can offer, please consult a grief counselor.
Please join us for the CARE Support Group. It is always held the first Tuesday of every month from 6:30-8pm at 1840 Paseo San Luis in the SVRHC Outreach Center.
After the loss of your baby. You may have to explain and help your other children mourn the loss as well. Children are like adults they all grieve in their own way and at their own pace. Children often have a hard time voicing how they feel. They may need a lot of guidance and support from you to help them cope. The most important thing to do is keep the communication open by talking often with your children. Talk to them in a group as well as on an individual basis. Encourage them to ask questions. Watch how your child plays and interacts with others to help give you clues on how they are coping or feeling that day. Anger is a common behavior when dealing with children and grief. Let your child know you are there and here to help them. Touch is extremely important and effective so don’t be afraid to hold and physically comfort your child—this may help you as well. If you are still concerned and feel your child needs more support than you can offer, please consult a grief counselor.
Please join us for the CARE Support Group. It is always held the first Tuesday of every month from 6:30-8pm at 1840 Paseo San Luis in the SVRHC Outreach Center.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Thank You To All That Attended
Thank you to all that attended the First Annual Mothers/Fathers Day Celebration at Veterans Memorial Park. We had a small gathering of parents and siblings that came out to honor their babies and to be honored for Mothers and Fathers Day. Short messages were inscribed on the various colored latex balloons that were than released after two poems were read. Parents gathered in a small circle to watch as the balloons disappeared into the heavens above. After the balloon release parents gathered around for refreshments and reflection. Each family member left with a heart shaped pin attached to the poems listed below.
Mothers Remembered
As you recall,
Your womb cradled your baby gently,
Your arms embraced your baby lovingly,
And your own mom carried you excitedly.
Remember the beauty of this unending circle of love.
You are always a mom, loved by a mom.
Separation and death can’t break it.
This bond and love endures,
Forever and always.
Moms remember.
Moms are to be remembered.
It is the only way.
The right way.
God’s way.
Remember, mom, remember.
Father’s Day
Dad, you support mom along the way
Waiting for the time and day
When you can hold your daughter or son
And you can finally be the one
To toss your babe above your head
And tuck him in his waiting bed
Make a toy or buy a drum
Your time was near, but did not come.
Who knew you would be standing nigh
And have to prematurely say goodbye?
This day is yours and yet it’s not
Others don’t see the many tears you fought
To hold within and look so strong
As you tried to say nothing wrong.
On this your special Father’s Day
Remember your baby who would want to say,
“I love you Dad. You are the one.
I’ll always be your daughter (or son.)
Feel my kiss upon your cheek
And know that someday I believe we’ll meet.
Until then, let your tears come, (or not)
And love my mommy lots and lots.”
Dad, you support mom along the way
Waiting for the time and day
When you can hold your daughter or son
And you can finally be the one
To toss your babe above your head
And tuck him in his waiting bed
Make a toy or buy a drum
Your time was near, but did not come.
Who knew you would be standing nigh
And have to prematurely say goodbye?
This day is yours and yet it’s not
Others don’t see the many tears you fought
To hold within and look so strong
As you tried to say nothing wrong.
On this your special Father’s Day
Remember your baby who would want to say,
“I love you Dad. You are the one.
I’ll always be your daughter (or son.)
Feel my kiss upon your cheek
And know that someday I believe we’ll meet.
Until then, let your tears come, (or not)
And love my mommy lots and lots.”
S. Ilse 2009
Mothers Remembered
As you recall,
Your womb cradled your baby gently,
Your arms embraced your baby lovingly,
And your own mom carried you excitedly.
Remember the beauty of this unending circle of love.
You are always a mom, loved by a mom.
Separation and death can’t break it.
This bond and love endures,
Forever and always.
Moms remember.
Moms are to be remembered.
It is the only way.
The right way.
God’s way.
Remember, mom, remember.
S. Ilse 2009
Thank you!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mothers and Fathers Day Event
As We Celebrate Mothers and Fathers Day
Join Sierra Vista Regional Health Center’s C.A.R.E Program
May 23, 2009 from 11am-1pm
at the
Veterans Memorial Park Ramada 1 (by the volleyball court)
This event is to honor all the bereaved parents who are often overlooked during these holidays.
There will be a balloon release, refreshments, networking, and a memory item display.
SVRHC C.A.R.E Program: is for anyone who has been affected by a loss of an infant or newborn,
whether through early pregnancy loss, miscarriage, still birth, or neonatal loss.
For information about this event or about the C.A.R.E Support Group
please call Rebecca at 234-0809.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mothers Day
First and foremost,
Often times this holiday is one of the more dreaded holidays among bereaved mothers. You are a very special mother of a precious child(ren) and will always be that mother. Even though your child(ren) is no longer here to celebrate with you, don't let others forget that you are a mother. Go out and celebrate yourself as a mother and the precious time you had with your child. Whether you pamper yourself at home while relaxing and reflecting or are surrounded by family and friends celebrate your day as a mother. Don't let yourself or anyone else forget that you are a mother and talk about your child(ren) as others talk about their living children.
Also remember many times others are hesitant and do not know how to respond to you on Mothers Day, let your family and friends now what you would like them to do for you. Whether you would like them to celebrate the day with you or remember you by getting you a Mothers Day card. Please let them know that this day is important for you and you would like to be honored along with the many other Mothers.
* * * * A Mother's Day corsage has a meaning of it's own.*****
A Mom with a Yellow Corsage,says she is always in grief. She lost the child she cherishes... Her flowers make up a wreath.
Happy Mothers Day!
Often times this holiday is one of the more dreaded holidays among bereaved mothers. You are a very special mother of a precious child(ren) and will always be that mother. Even though your child(ren) is no longer here to celebrate with you, don't let others forget that you are a mother. Go out and celebrate yourself as a mother and the precious time you had with your child. Whether you pamper yourself at home while relaxing and reflecting or are surrounded by family and friends celebrate your day as a mother. Don't let yourself or anyone else forget that you are a mother and talk about your child(ren) as others talk about their living children.
Also remember many times others are hesitant and do not know how to respond to you on Mothers Day, let your family and friends now what you would like them to do for you. Whether you would like them to celebrate the day with you or remember you by getting you a Mothers Day card. Please let them know that this day is important for you and you would like to be honored along with the many other Mothers.
* * * * A Mother's Day corsage has a meaning of it's own.*****
A Mom with a Yellow Corsage,says she is always in grief. She lost the child she cherishes... Her flowers make up a wreath.
Happy Mothers Day!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Power of Baby Photos
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Author of Empty Arms, Sherokee Ilse will be in Sierra Vista
This month at our support group on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 6:30 pm, Sherokee Ilse, a bereaved mom and author of Empty Arms will be a guest speaker. She will be sharing her 27+ years of experience working with families in a discussion geared for couples to better understand each other's grieving and surviving styles, as well as how family members 'cope' and how to communicate with them. Sherokee and Tim Nelson just wrote and published their book, Couple Communication After a Baby Dies: Differing Perspectives.
Please come out and join us, everyone is welcome!
The C.A.R.E. Support Group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Sierra Vista Regional Health Center’s Outreach Education Center located at 1840 Paseo San Luis. Any questions please contact Rebecca Buksh @234-0809.
Please come out and join us, everyone is welcome!
The C.A.R.E. Support Group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Sierra Vista Regional Health Center’s Outreach Education Center located at 1840 Paseo San Luis. Any questions please contact Rebecca Buksh @234-0809.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Honor your baby...Impact Congress March 25
Honor your baby...Impact Congress
Help us send parents to Washington DC for the Infant Loss Symposium and
meetings with Congressmen on March 24-25, 2009
And let us bring your babies pictures and stories with us!
We invite you to help support important Stilbirth/SIDS legislation by
participating in the creation of “Our Babies—Always Loved, Always
Remembered—Memorial Album”
On March 25, 2009 bereaved parents and other infant health advocates from
around the country and from many different loss organizations will be coming
together on Capitol Hill to lobby for important legislation related to
stillbirth, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and SUID (sudden unexpected
infant death.)
If you send us your baby's name, pictures, and or short stories, you will
help make it real to those who have the power to create legislation and
appropriate money to support research, awareness, and education on
stillbirth, SIDS, and SUID. We are creating a Baby Memorial Album that our
parent teams will leave with each Legislative office. Would you like your
baby's name/photo in it???
To learn more about how more about it and how to participate click here
Help us send parents to Washington DC for the Infant Loss Symposium and
meetings with Congressmen on March 24-25, 2009
And let us bring your babies pictures and stories with us!
We invite you to help support important Stilbirth/SIDS legislation by
participating in the creation of “Our Babies—Always Loved, Always
Remembered—Memorial Album”
On March 25, 2009 bereaved parents and other infant health advocates from
around the country and from many different loss organizations will be coming
together on Capitol Hill to lobby for important legislation related to
stillbirth, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and SUID (sudden unexpected
infant death.)
If you send us your baby's name, pictures, and or short stories, you will
help make it real to those who have the power to create legislation and
appropriate money to support research, awareness, and education on
stillbirth, SIDS, and SUID. We are creating a Baby Memorial Album that our
parent teams will leave with each Legislative office. Would you like your
baby's name/photo in it???
To learn more about how more about it and how to participate click here
Monday, March 16, 2009
Spring, the season of new life
~We are forever changed for having known the gift that was you. We miss you terribly and who you would have been, But we are much better people because you have touched our lives... if only for a brief moment..~
As spring approaches we are often reminded of new life with feelings of renewal, warm weather, longer days, change, flowers, fresh air, and transition. For bereaved parents often times you look for something to take the pain away and make your lives alright again. Spring does not make everything okay; what it can do is remind us that regardless of what happens in our lives, natures process will continue, and that will offer us hope. Know that one day again you will welcome spring again. Be gentle and patient with yourself and nature. Be ready to let a little of the hope that spring can offer into your heart.
As spring approaches we are often reminded of new life with feelings of renewal, warm weather, longer days, change, flowers, fresh air, and transition. For bereaved parents often times you look for something to take the pain away and make your lives alright again. Spring does not make everything okay; what it can do is remind us that regardless of what happens in our lives, natures process will continue, and that will offer us hope. Know that one day again you will welcome spring again. Be gentle and patient with yourself and nature. Be ready to let a little of the hope that spring can offer into your heart.
warm weather
Fast-Paced World
We live in a fast-paced world where emotions are often a sign of weakness. Often if our feelings tug on us during the day we want to tuck them away and hide them, either because we don’t have time to face them or we don’t want to let others know that we are struggling. However, I believe that God gives us feelings for a reason – they are often our soul or psyche’s way of letting us know that something is wrong or that there’s something we need to attend to, just as an aching limb tells us to take it easy on exercise or a sharp pain tells us something is broken. Take some time during the day to attend to your feelings. Acknowledge them. Allow yourself to cry, or to be angry. Write about it, or talk to someone about it. And be easy on yourself. Take a little time to do something you enjoy, talk to someone who loves you for who you are, and slow down a bit. Listen to the concerns on your heart and offer them up as a prayer.
Chaplain Emily
Chaplain Emily
March 2009 Chaplain's Corner
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