Monday, March 16, 2009

Fast-Paced World

We live in a fast-paced world where emotions are often a sign of weakness. Often if our feelings tug on us during the day we want to tuck them away and hide them, either because we don’t have time to face them or we don’t want to let others know that we are struggling. However, I believe that God gives us feelings for a reason – they are often our soul or psyche’s way of letting us know that something is wrong or that there’s something we need to attend to, just as an aching limb tells us to take it easy on exercise or a sharp pain tells us something is broken. Take some time during the day to attend to your feelings. Acknowledge them. Allow yourself to cry, or to be angry. Write about it, or talk to someone about it. And be easy on yourself. Take a little time to do something you enjoy, talk to someone who loves you for who you are, and slow down a bit. Listen to the concerns on your heart and offer them up as a prayer.
Chaplain Emily

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