Monday, January 18, 2010

Thoughts on Journaling

~There is no right or wrong way to journal
~Like a best friend, your journal is always there for you
~ It will never judge you or reject you because of where you are or what you are feeling
~ It provides an outlet for the thoughts and feelings that keep circling in your mind rather than stuffing them and carrying them around with you
~ It is a safe place to process those thoughts and feelings
~It provides a written record of your grief journey so when you hit hard places you can look back and be reminded of how you got through the times before and how far you have really come, despite how you feel
~It becomes a treasured memory of your baby's life
~It helps you to make sense of the events in your life and find the lessons buried deep within your pain
~It ultimately leads you to accepting your loss and gaining a new perspecitve so you can grow
~You can write about whatever is going on, it doesn't have to be just grief
~ You can also write about the blessings that come

By: Jennifer Carson

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