Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our Support Group

I started going to the CARE Support Group after my life changed almost a year ago. After the worst experience of my life I learned to rely on the support group to help me to the next step of my grieving process.

Unfortunately, I can not turn back time to become

naive once again and think that every pregnancy brings a child into the world 9 months later. But, like many other mothers, my angel was taken much too quickly. This

support group has helped me move forward. This support group has become my support group, my strength to move forward.
When my life fell apart, I didn’t know how I would continue on. If I would tell you that one thing in my life has helped, it has been this support group and all the mothers and fathers involved. I know now that I’m not alone and that we each feel for each other and hurt with everyone’s loss. When I didn’t think anyone understood, the support group told me I wasn’t alone. They were suddenly my friends. I began to look forward to meeting with everyone to tell me that what I was feeling was normal.
The world has told us all to move on, maybe after a few weeks, or at most a month. The world forgets our loss. But the support group has reminded me that my loss will always be a part of my life. The support group has given me strength to have good days. Strength to move to the next anniversary of my loss or my due date. The support group knows and understands without having to explain why you are having bad days, weeks, months or even years later. I know I would not be here today without the support group.
I would like to invite each of you to come and join us at the support group. It will be the best decision you will make during the hardest time of your life. We are all in different stages in our grieving process but we become each others strength, and we all feel each others pain. Let us become your support group. Your strength. Your friend. And your shoulder to cry on.
Thank you to the support group and to everyone who makes it possible.



FROM 6:30-8PM



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